Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Last week the science museum hosted one of its monthly late nights and as a good scientist I went there with my friends (to be honest, the main reason was that it was my friend's birthday and that the museum's building is physically touching Imperial College grounds…)

Be as it may they had a ton of interesting items and shows and everything that a scientists heart can wish for. We saw exactly NOTHING of all of this though, because we were too busy being cool at the disco in the middle of the big hall. You might wonder how they could set up an annoyingly loud disco in the middle of one of the main halls and you will be relieved to hear that they did not as this was a completely silent disco (yeah, just when you thought I had joined the cool kids club).

I can see why the two concepts of disco and silent might not be the easiest to combine but apparently it's not that unusual. When you enter the restricted disco area (we don't want to have too much fun) you get a pair of headphones that have to channels with different music (unfortunately one of them turned out to be a hardcore drum and base and house channel so that was usually not the best option). All jokes about that being the nerdiest spare time ever aside it was actually quite interesting ( I'm feeling that this was not the best choice of an adjective). We tried to guess what song was playing just from the dance moves of the other people but it is actually harder than you would think, as, without the musical context. most people just looked confused and jiggly.

Not us though!


  1. ohhh man, als irenoh im science museum war hatten die nicht so coole Sachen!! (was pretty cool anyway) yaay! finally someone in the family belogs to the cool kids! <3 jaja believe it or not, mein chef hat mir letztens am Mittwoch erzählt, dass er auch bei so einer party war (yeah, thats the kind of boss i have:) )

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