Monday, May 12, 2014

The Center For the Unknown

And from the traditional facades of Notting Hill we move on to one of the most futuristic looking buildings I have seen lately. I give you, the Champalimaud Center for the Unknown:

This place is a very modern research centre of the Champalimaud Fundation in Lisbon. Research in these premises deals mostly with cancer and neuroscience, the latter being the reason I visited it in the first place. A couple of months ago I travelled to Lisbon to learn more about their graduate program and I was really impressed by the centre.

This is what the interior patio looks like. Pretty standard, right?

The centre has amazing views on to the sea as well. This is what the end of the facilities look like:

It is incredible that not more people were sitting outside. If I worked there I would never leave these terraces. Ever!

Maybe the stunning interiors explain their behaviour. What is up with that window! I don't think I would be able to concentrate in a lecture hall like that! The lady that showed us around said something about it being the biggest piece of continuos glass in a widow in Lisbon/Portugal/Europe/the world (?). So yeah, there you have your facts.

I enjoyed this detail on one of the pillars. You know how they usually have big bronze or marble plaques to commemorate the inauguration of a building? Well these people are either very original or someone forgot to get one and just pulled an Edding out of his pocket in the last minute...

1 comment:

  1. hahaha ich mag das so yeah, there you have your facts xD aber der lecture hall ist ja awesooome, y mira que yo ya me distraiggo mazo en las vorlesungen cuando hace schneien drausse :P und sind das so sofa-like sitze??
