Sunday, May 12, 2013

Family time

After 8 months of being all over the place I finally met my family again! They came and visited me in Cambridge over the weekend, hooray!

After a few failed attempts of taking a family picture with the self-timer (who would have thought that those sheets were so slippery) we managed to get a decent one:

My father has been joking about having a family blog for as long as I can remember so I guess I can call this an honorary family post - it's not the dream, but it's a start.


  1. hahahahahahaha ich werde nie aufhören über das erste Bild zu lachen, ich glaub ich werd mein Zimmer damit tapezieren xD uuuh blog familiar :D estara contento papa.

  2. Haha, took me a while to realize that you are in the first picture too :)
