Thursday, May 30, 2013

I got the brains

A few weeks ago I was asked to be part of a neurology study involving MRI scanning. I have never been inside a scanner so I was really excited and agreed even before they told me it was paid (I´d be so easy to rip off)! The scanner was really interesting. I guess it is not for everyone, since you have to lie in this large tube for an hour while it makes incredibly loud noises, but it was cool for a few times. The hardest task,  believe it or not, is to stay awake. Since you are not allowed to move and just see some flashing images on a reflected screen you tend to doze off quite easily (especially if you are as intelligent as I am and book the earliest morning shifts). Participants were not only paid but also got this picture of their brain:

I´ve had some discussions with my family because obviously the face does not match mine, but I have no idea how they scan the outside or how much they care about accuracy in faces. I compared the picture with one of another friend and our brains were clearly different so it does seem to be correct (also if you are wondering why half my face is missing, that´s because she said I had something metallic interfering with the signal. I guess I should have spat my iron chewing gum out before entering the scanner...)

Be as it may not everyone gets to see his brain so I am very happy about this opportunity!

1 comment:

  1. jajaja matoh ist wie sheldon, er liebt cat-scans (o como se llamen , que pa esto yo soy muy paleta (y para que no irene, para que no...?) jaja me gusta lo del timazi de wir haben 3 dibujicos de personas y cerebreos y las repartimos entra la gente xD deswegen der Bart... (que en esta no se ve asique i assume que la que nos mandaste era otra?) bueno, anyway, nice brain :)
