Thursday, May 2, 2013

Keeping it classy

Tonight I went to Churchill College to my very first formal hall. This is a very fancy dinner that colleges have from time to time for their students and their guests. One of my friends is from Churchill and brought me along. It was really cool!

Usually there are more people, but since today was Thursday we were only one big table. As you can see the napkins are in the colors of Churchill (pink and brown) and everyone dresses very elegantly. At the beginning we were all standing until the Master had said grace (it's all about traditions here!). The meal was fantastic!:

After all of this we had to stand up as the Master and the remaining VIPs left the room (that reminded me of church) and then we went to the College bar for a while. This is a very nice tradition! Not only is the food delicious it is also very cool to see everyone dressed up (some people even wear their gowns, like in Harry Potter!!). I could get used to this! 


  1. Es interesante saber que la imagen de Inglaterra que se da en el extranjero es real y no un cuento, mi duda es, estuviste como una persona normal? No me lo creo!

  2. Matoh dea kleine fancy-pants-bubi. Pero no seran vornehm que el coffe era fair-trade... How delightful! Esa es de las cenas a las que hay que ir con taper ;) (que te crees que llevan los Schüler debajo de sus schwarze Dinger esas!
