Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chinese Churro

On Friday I had dinner with some of my friends from work and I had the chance to try very cool asian dishes. I had a very delicious beef and fish porridge, but what caught my eye the most was this:

They call it fried dough and I could not find out where it comes from (although there is only one logical answer for this). You might not see anything special here unless you are spanish. Because this thing does not only look but also tastes EXACTLY like a churro. I am not kidding. Apparently what they do here is put small pieces into the porridge so that it gets softer and I have to say it is really good! 

Nevertheless growing up in a country where you dunk churros in molten chocolate made the experience of actually putting it into rice with fish and meat somehow strange...

1 comment:

  1. uuuuuuuurrrghhhh! keine von den 1000 pinjings von der chineschisch cd klingt nicht disgusted enough (y mira que los habia... wuaa, chuaa, ighhh, bÄÄgh) como para describir lo que me he imaginado cuando has dicho que has comido los churros mit Reis und Fisch :S und btw (plaaaaaaaagio :P)
