Monday, January 28, 2013

CNY market

Chinese New Year is getting closer and closer (feels like we have been waiting for this festivity forever... which is somehow true, considering that they started putting up CNY-decoration in late December).
One of the things that I like the most apart from the amazing traditional chinese music that they are playing EVERYWHERE at the moment (to which I always try to dance. An impossible task (for not even the locals can tell me how to do it) that usually ends with some very suspicious and creepy looking moves from my side in the middle any supermarket (by the way this is something that is much easier to achieve in Little India, were your body moves by itself to the catchy tunes. Just ask my embarassed friends!)) ... ok this sentence somehow got very long and confusing. Let's sum up: One of the things that I like the most apart from the amazing traditional chinese music (blablabla) are the sweets. I feel like there are hunderds of different types of sweets during this festive season and the bad thing is they only sell them in huge jars (that contain the same kind of sweet). So I either get fat, poor and diabetic or I won't be able to try them all... 
You can find sweets like these in the supermarkets or in little markets like this one:

(of course it's inside a mall, where else would it be?)

These are the jars I was talking about. This is the smallest size and it may not seem very big, but there are about 50 of the sweets inside and they tend to be not to healty (arthough really delicious, these ones are some peanut sweets and they are amazing!).

This is what these things actually look like. Nom, nom, nom...

1 comment:

  1. jaja, das ist typisch klausur, man fängt so nen satz an, motiviert sich voll und schreibt über gott und die Welt y luego no hay quien lo acabe gramaticalmente correcto :P mmmmm, die Dinger sehen aus wie toffifee (o como se escriba) nomnomnom (damit kannstu einen certain someone bestimmt bestechen ;))
