Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dragons after work

On friday I left work to find this in front of the building (literally, the building in the background of the pics is where I work):

This scene explaind why it had been so noisy over the last ten minutes but raised even more questions. I remembered then how this one cab driver (I really learn the most from them) told me how they have these traditional dragon dances during CNY, where these dancers and musicians are hired by companies to dance and bring good fortune. Apparently they perform for a while and then they get Hong Baos as a thank you for bringing good luck to starting companies or any other customer. 

The dragon was really cute and fluffy. While it danced it was spitting things out and receiving gifts from what I assume was some kind of organizer (gifts were oranges (MANDARINES! It's mandarines! Damn it, they already got me!) etc...).

The dragon was performing to the beat of this huge drum which was INCREDIBLY noisy. I actually wanted to upload a video here as well, but it has been loading forever so, not today! I am off to bed! Good night.

1 comment:

  1. uhhhh, sospechosi, pass auf, que irenoh hat in mulan gelernt que de esas cosas salen mongolen gritando queriendo matarte (sabidurias de mulan) aber solange matoh nicht emperor of china ist...
