Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Surviving the CNY crowd

As you may already know, during Chinese New Year I went to Chinatown with some friends to look around and take pictures. They do not only have a very beautiful decoration...

... but also a big market: 

(and again, the pinnaples). This place is PACKED. Once you get in be prepared to share most of your remaining life with the person that happened to be next to you, because there is no way out. And I mean it. There are a million stands and the whole crowd walks very (, VERY) slowly between them, through what appeared to bea street too long to fit into Singapore (OK, I have to confess I was a bit in a hurry to get out so this might have influenced my perception slightly). Be as it may, as you finally arrive at the end of the sreet (those who survived the decades of fighting their way through) there is no way you can go anywere else, because some security fences stop you and force you to turn into the parallel street together with the people you know better than your parents by then. Not that we would have done otherwise either way. The bonding is already too strong and we are glued too much by sweat as to walk separatedly. Thank god there were some bigger roads with restaurants where you could run between the tables and advance at a non-negative velocity:

By the way, a lot of the people in these places were having steamboat, just like the one I showed you:

Looking back and cosidering the inevitable Stockholm Sindrom it was quite fun and definitely and adventure. I just wonder where all those people came from all of a sudden...

1 comment:

  1. das erste foto ist sehr schön, ich kanns aber nicht genau sehen, weil die laternen alles voll verdecken! :P no, en serio mola un monton :) aber nicht so viel wie der chino auf dem dach auf dem zweiten foto :P lo de negative geschwindigkeit me recuerda a la mitad de las aufgaben de physik :P que me salen en plan negative masse o algo asi y es en plan, hmm, i´m sensing thats not quite right...
