Thursday, June 27, 2013

A killer concert

This last weekend was pretty damn cool. A friend of mine had tickets for The Killers (you might have heard of them...) and asked me if I wanted to join her. What a question!!

The concert took place in the famous Wimbley Stadium. This building looks pretty amazing from the outside already, but it is even cooler from the inside!

Ok, this post is going to be a bit of an experimental one, because I discovered that I can take panorama pictures with my phone (who would have though, right? It's not like ALL smartphones do that) and I try to include a video for the first time. Whohoo!

Anyways. As you can see the stadium is pretty big and on the picture above it looks a bit empty, but believe me, during the concert that place was PACKED. There were two pretty cool bands that came first (James and Flashlight Anthem, in case anyone is a fan). We were afraid that it might get too cold (it was very windy and we were sitting at the beginning) but once the Killers came on stage we moved into the crowd and between the jumping and the mass of people we ended taking off our jackets.

The show was awesome! One of my favorite parts was the moment when the lead singer asked people to hold up their mobile phones with their flashlights turned on and it looked amazing! It was a sea of lights, almost like stars! I have to say that reconciled me a bit with smartphones (they seem to be good for something at last). In total, great atmosphere!

Ok, here is the video, let's see if it works out... I am not sure it will have sound, but I have to try... (I hope this does not mean that the site has to load for a few centuries now....)

Big, big thanks to my dear friend Gabriela who took me along to have an amazing evening!! ♥

Also I finally won the battle against my pubescent cell phone so I can upload pictures again! Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. uuuh, so your phone is an adult, they grow up so fast :') jaja me gusta lo de preocuparse de si va a hacer demasiado frio auf nem Konzert :) (aunque in England ist alles möglich)das mit den Videos ist ja voll pro, was für ein nivel maribel. Gut das du den nivel mit den titel-puns wieder ausgleichst :P que nooo, que sie werden immer besser!
