Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fifth College: St John's College

I am under serious stress because of this College challenge. How am I ever going to cover all 31 of them!? I am already circling the spots on maps and looking for the optimum routes to get to all of them like some madman chasing after his victims. I think one of these weekends I have to take my camera and just do at least 15 of them.

Meanwhile I give you...

St John's College! (aaand we're back to Harry Potter again)

St John's College is one of my favorite colleges in Cambridge and one of the most impressive to show to visiting friends, because it is huge and has a lot of pretty cool buildings. Follow me!

My countless loyal followers will remember the post about the bridge of sights last month, well this is it from the inside. The first time I walked through it I was running after my friends and did not notice I was actually crossing the river until I was halfway through (in my defense I will have to say it was night...).

After living here for a while people must be convinced they are knights or something. I still find it hilarious when I see people carrying their groceries along these corridors (instead of horses or armors).

Of course St Johns has his tiny little chapel, like all big colleges (yes it's that huge tower in the background):

But I'll get to that one later on...
All in one great College! 
Now let's run out again and enjoy the only sunny day of the year!

1 comment:

  1. a ver, vamos a ver, que esto es super confusing, ich weiss nicht mehr was was ist. (yo solo se que el tuyo es clair y como es de aspecto el tuyo) war dieser der eine symmetrische? ich weiss zumindest das wir beim punting vorbeigefahren sind, oder? buhuhuuuu, esque irenoh hat einen lio... o es al primero que entramos, ah, ahora estoy casi convencida que es al primero que entramos. irenoh war sehr entäuscht das die Leute nicht die gestreiften Harry-Potter-Schale getragen haben. Die Fotos sind voll schön :) vor allem das letze
