Saturday, June 29, 2013

European Time Square

Today I spent the day in London with my friend from Spain. For some reason we decided to go and see "Les Miserables" one hour before the show (more on that on some other post) so we stayed around until pretty late. This gave us the chance to see Picadilly Circus at night! If anyone has been to New York, this is as close as it gets around here to Time Square. The most outstanding thing there is the incredible amount of light that comes from millions of screens and other sources all around. In this case the number of lights might not have been that high, but I was already very impressed to see screens like these: 

The Buildings around it were illuminated in different colors as well:

The place was pretty crowded considering the time, which might be mostly due to the fact that it was a Saturday, but on the other hand a lot of them were just sitting around the fountain like this:

As if they were waiting for something to happen at those ungodly hours (also these steps remind me of the stairs in Times Square where people sit just like on these ones).

Fun-fact to wrap it up: The name "Circus" refers to the Latin word for "circle" (since it is some kind of round junction between important streets) and has nothing to do with some circus ever having been there (I know that this word also comes from the same Latin expression but I somehow assumed that Picadilly used to have its own circus there or something). Well, live and learn.

1 comment:

  1. omg, die Fountain da ist wie die estacion de Las Matas!! keine weiss wieso, oder was der etertainment-faktor ist, pero ahi esta to la peña 24/7. übrigens danke fürs Trauma, ich dachte die hatten früher dort voll den coolen Zikus :'(
