Saturday, December 15, 2012

Good food

I have had the most delicious and incredible dishes during these last weeks and even though I already posted some pictures of food there is much more I need to show you (the hipster-bonus-points this will give me is unbelieveable, it's a pity I don't have Instagram). Unfortunately I forgot most of the names of the food (if I ever knew them), but as you know, a picture says more than a thousand words. Here we go.

I was not too thrilled when my friend took me to this burger place the other day. Little did I know, that the burgers were A BIT different from what we are used to in Europe. The patty is made of prawn and is covered with (I'm gonna say) oyster sauce. Also everyone knows that buns are too mainstream and since we are in Asia they substituted them with loads of rice. And all this was wrapped up as if it was the most regular burger from McDonalds. Definitely one of the best burgers I have had so far.

This is from my favourite restaurant in Little India. The yellow dish is AMAZING. It is called butter chicken and it is so good (especially with the naan)!!. The red thing is also chicken but with marenade and was also pretty awesome.

This indescribably light food is called carrot cakce. It is not really made out of carrot but rather beet, from what I have heard and it is basically the most filling brick of calories I have ever eaten in my life. I could not finish the thing but it was not bad at all (especially with chili sauce).

This is my favorite dish in the world!! It is a Malay dish called Nasi Lemak and I already mentioned it in my last post where I talked about hawker centers. The rice is amazing because it is boiled in coconut milk. You can choose all the side dishes you want. Here you can see a fried egg, some breaded fish, chili (in the upper right corner) and some small fried fish with beans. It is really, really good, although it is apparently not that healthy because of the coconut thing... Nom nom nom! 

This is also Malay cuisine. It is fried chicken with different side dishes and, of course, rice. The soup was very nice too although I don't remember what the ingredients were...

The food here is not only amazing but also incredibly cheap (e.g. the Nasi Lemak coust 2 Euros in the food court). I am really going to miss the variety when I leave Singapore! 


  1. Mmmm... Todas las comidas tienen una pinta estupenda. Y veo que no les falta el huevo frito, con lo cual, perfecto!!

  2. irenoh will auch!! matoh muss lernen wie man das alles kocht, und dann wahrscheinlich drei viertel der Zutaten selber ernten oder züchten, weil es die hier 100 pro nicht gibt, damit irenoh das probiern kann :P (und das verhältnis ist nur 3/4 weil es hier reis gibt und das ja den grössten Teil ausmacht)

  3. The real question here is, do you know how to cook those dishes? because I want to try them all when you get here....just saying
