Saturday, December 8, 2012


Yesterday I went to Zouk Out. I was not planning on going because it is quite expensive, but I got a ticket from a friend for free, so I could not miss the largest festival of electronic music in Singapore! Normally this is not the kind of music I listen to, but I really enjoyed it! The best thing about the festival is its location: Sentosa beach. that means the stage is actually between palms under the stars. I tried to take some pictures with my incredible cellphone camera (that needs like 20 secs to take a picture, which is very convenient when there is as much light and as little motion as during the concert) to give you an impression and they turned out AMAZING (if expressionistic pictures is what you are looking for).

After going to concerts in Germany this is really cofortable since everyone here is two heads smaller than in Europe. I could see the stage without any problem during the whole show. Ok, most of the time we were at the front, but still... 

Lots of lights and cool clips!

Ok, this crappy pic is just supposed to show you the huge white ballons in the back. Those were birds that actually moved their wings and flew over the crowd. Pretty cool!

Palm trees, palm trees everywhere! ♥

This was the group Above and Beyond. Apparently they are pretty famous I had never heard of their existence. Now I have been to their concert in the first row (literally, people are so friendly here that it is not much of a contest actually getting to the barriers at the front....). They wrote messages for the audience during their act which was pretty cool.

I leave you with this deep comment. I might tell youabout the odyssey of my return home sometime , but that is another story...


  1. kann man in singapur open-air sachen organisieren? was wenn ein monsoon kommt?
