Monday, December 17, 2012

Singapore Signs at their Best 3

One would think that my repertoire of unbelievable posters should come to and end... but it is far from it! Here are my favorite signs for this month:

Well... that escalated quickly! Haha, I don't know what is more exaggeratd, the apocalyptical consequences of people putting tissues in the sink (for whatever reason), the expression of the woman, that is about to drop dead or the statemen "Clean public toilets are possible". Be as it may, the message is clear: if you cloaked the sink with what seems 4 kg of paper towels at least have the decency of turning off the tap.

I am sure they are.

And this is my favorite comic of ALL TIMES! Here is the story of a man, that was preparing himself to go out. As we can see in the second image his main goal is to get the attention and love of all the women out there. This image is priceless, so let me zoom in: 

Notice how he has this gold chain arount his neck with a huge bar of pure gold that says money? Hahaha. And then the bracelets and the money bills coming out of the pockets! He clearly thinks the money will atract all women of Singapore that will then madly fall in love with him (may or may not be true, we will probably never know, because...) ... as we can see  there is trouble around the corner (literally). In the last image (you have to look at the precious pic again) our hero is wearing nothing but a cardboard box, because, as we learn from the women laughing at him, he was robbed by the mugger (by the way, good job being a social person, ladies. There is this whole crowd of women that witnessed the scene but did not feel the urge to be of any help...). Be as it may, the sexyness of the protagonist disappeared with his golden chains (which does not necessarily speak for Singaporean women) so now  all women are making fun of this poor (literally, at this point) guy instead of helplessly falling for him. And that, dear children, is the reason why you don't wear expensive jewelery and money looking out of the pockets, you will never score with the ladies. We also learn from this, that once a mugger has begun to rob you he wont stop, because he even took what in the beginning seemed to be an aparently very regular t-shirt (he won't take your sun-glasses, though, so people don't have to see the look of shame in your eyes). It is cute that they warn you not to flaunt your valuables in a country like Singapore, which is probably pretty high on the list of countries that need such a warning the least. It is even cuter that this message is written ON A MUG that they use in food courts (unfortunately you had to give them back). 

I love these signs and they are everywhere! Stay tuned for more of these priceless ads.


  1. "he won't take your sun-glasses, though, so people don't have to see the look of shame in your eyes" jajajajaja, die Tasse ist sogar besser als die Chemie-Tasse die ich dir Geschenkt habe xD. Y ahi esta otra vez la Konkurrenz de Entenproduktion

  2. He can get the attention of more women wearing only that cardboard box
