Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hipster Food-pics Time!

Today I went to have dinner with my supervisor Valerie and we had some awesome Japanese food! 

We started with sushi:

I LOVE the salmon, especially with the soy sauce, I could eat kilos and kilos of it!!
Unfortunatelly I forgot all the names, but we also had this:

The meat in the upper right corner is added to the boiling soup together with the mushrooms in the middle and when it is done you can eat it with some amazing rice that had pieces of cooked salmon. We had some more things, like this rice or some other sushis, but my incredibly good phone was shutting down everytime I tried to take a picture, so you can mail all the complaints to him. 
It was a delicious dinner and a really fun time and I want to thank Valerie who invited me to this as a good-bye present (you heard it, I have one foot out the door already! :( )
Good night!

1 comment:

  1. uhhh, nice, pero no te acostumbres a esos lujos, que wenn du zurückkommast, pan y leche xD neiiin, wir kochen dann schon coole Sachen, pero esque con eso no se puede competir. Ich mags wie es da Lachs hasta in der Suppe gibt :P
