Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Let's go to the beach, each, let's go get a wave! ♫

You might be wondering where we ended up after cruising around half of Phuket with our bikes. We actually found the beach we were looking for (once we had gotten out of laberynth-city Pa Tong it was a pice of cake) and it looked like this:

It was a really nice beach and what I personally enjoyed a lot was the temperature of the water. Being used to the miraculously liquid water of the Atlantic Ocean this was a really nice change and I was able to run into the water Baywatch-style like my cold-receptor-lacking sister always does. 

We stayed there until the sun went down while drinking out of a coconut (they actually do that here in Singapore, too, but on that beach it is a different story. There are pictures of this, btw, and I'll show you some as soon as I get them).

How can I return to snow-covered Europe now?!

1 comment:

  1. ooooohhhhh <3 ich wurde in einem Post gennant!!! :D autigramme später bitte :D der Strand sieht echt toll aus, irenoh will auuuuuch! si rrrruapi cuando vuelvas te van a salir estalacticas de la nariz :P
