Friday, March 22, 2013

Long Time no Chicken Feet!

 Today I went for Dim Sum with my friends from work to this place that is apparently quite famous. I have written about this kind of food before, but I would like to show you what I had this time, especially since this type of meal can be very different from time to time.

As you can see the only thing that I had both times is my all-time favorite: chicken feet! They really do taste good but, to be honest, it still takes me some overcoming to eat them. Also there is not much flesh on them and I am not a huge fan of just chewing on cartilage (which is kind of the purpose of this dish). Anyway, here is a brief description of what you can see (no names, they all sound the same to me): the small dumplings in the upper right corner are filled with prawn (ANYTHING filled with prawn in this restaurant was incredibly amazing!), next to it the chicken feet, then some pork meat wrapped in rice sheets (seriously I am noticing I have no idea about the names of the things in any language....), the yellow things in the lower left corner were filled with prawn as well but dont ask me what the rest was (but they were really, really good!) and the big balls are some egg yolk lava ... damn there is a name for it! Ok, I'll show you a bigger picture of them to hide the fact that I don´t know what I am eating...

As you can see it was filled with egg and, I have to say, the name "lava" does not come out of nowhere, I actually burned my fingers when I was holding that thing while passing something to my frined and trying to clean up the mess I had already made in like 15 seconds. Surprisingly enough it tasted quite buttery.

We also had some chicken (I am assuming it is chicken although it does not look like that at all, but i remember there were small bones in it so...) on rice, some fried dumplings (with mayonnaise, mhhhh...) and some milk tea (I really like the way they serve it with the ice in a separate bowl, so it is not diluted! :D) 

As usual the food here was really, really good! What am I going to eat in europe!? I cannot eat steak with chopsticks!!

1 comment:

  1. nicht schon wieder die patas de pollo :S alle chicken in Europa haben schon angst vor deiner Rückkehr, und ich bin enttäuscht das du die namen nicht kannst, die sachen heissen (in der reihenfolge die du benutzt hast) liausheliau, buarghhhihhhhwuäÄ (und alle komischen silben aus der cd zusammen), usw, usw (jaja, das einzige wort das ich noch weiss ist 66)
