Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Deepavali market

A special market opens its doors during the Deepavali festivities. It is an enormous and very crowded marked in a huge tent where they mainly sell sweets and clothes related to this Holiday. Get ready to fight your way through the narrow corridors filled with shouting and laughing people.

Apparently there are some sweets related to Deepavali. An indian friend of mine wants to bring me some to work, if I get them I'll be able to give more details.

As you can see the place was as good as empty (you have to consider it was 23:00 o'clock). Many stands sold saris and other dresses in the most beautiful colors! And they were relatively cheap. If it's still there next week I might get something...

In case you don't want to be stuck in traffic like the rest of the car driving people you can alwasy buy a flying carpet to get home. 

There was a palm reader, too. We did not consult him, so I cannot make any judgements about his abilities, yet I can inform you that the software that determines your future runs on Microsoft XP (in your face hipsters with complete state of the art technology equipment, what can your smartphone do?).

I especially liked this guy on top of a ladder shouting things through a megaphone. It was not especially loud either, but it's a way of catching people's attention.

An important tradition of Deepavali is getting henna-tatoos. Now I see a lot of women in the MRT with patterns on their hands and it looks really cool. 

And last but not least this picture they were selling. I don't want to comment a lot on it, because I might be offending people out of ignorance, but it is definetly a curious picture in many senses... And I cannot stop wondering who those people are...

Again, with money you would be able to buy yourself the complete traditional indian equipment. Plan b is to wander around between masses of indians, take pictures of the most curious things and for a short while have the feeling you are in India itself.


  1. matoh muss sich umbedingt einen Sari kaufen! jetzt wo er ausserdem weiss wie man se wickelt! und die hennatatoos sind echt cool :)

  2. Did you buy the sari in the end? =3
