Wednesday, November 28, 2012

No Title

Let's see if this post earns me some cool Hipster-award... 
Yesterday evening I went to have dinner with one of the most successful spanish scientists in USA. His name  is Gabriel Nuñez and I am really glad I had the chance to spend an evening with a researcher of his caliber and to learn from his experiences. This is where we spend the evening:

No. It is not an aquarium store. Maybe this will give you a hint:

No? Well, it should because it is THE NAME OF THE PLACE. Exacly. The signboard of the restaurant says "No signboard"...
From what they told me this restaurant did not have a sign at the beginning and now that it is one of the most famous in town it does not need one. And they seem to be pretty proud of that.

This is what we had:

It's chili-crab! :) It is one of Singapores typical dishes and it is REALLY good! The bums at the side are sweet breads (not that there was any other kind of bread here in Singapore...) that you dip into the sauce.

We also had some pretty awesome prawns...

Ok, as much as I love this picture of the gorgeous lady, I have to show it to you so you can see that we were actually wearing! You can order these for like 50 cent and then then main-waiter (i'm sure there is a professiona term for his position, but let's go with main-waiter for now) who looked like a secret agent with a black suit and an earplug with a microphone he was constantly speaking through, came and put it on you. Yeah. He did it. Because our hands were dirty up to the ellbows. So for a few hours I was 2 years old again.

These are a few pics of the place. It does not look super luxurious, but those are usually the best places. Plus  with its reputation it's not like it needs any luxury.

They even had some Christmas decoration!

And this is the battlefield after we were done. If I don't get the #1 hipster award it will only be due to the fact that my cellphone does not make any incredibly deep filter-effects. So close!


  1. du brauchst ausser den filtern auch so tiefgründige Sprüche über den Fotos wie: "I'm so deep, I only eat food from under sea level (soooo underground)" oder "Life your life in a way nobody can put a signboard on it (I'm soooo spontanious)"

  2. Supongo que te has puesto hasta las cejas de marisco, pero desde luego el restaurante tiene una pinta muy poco atractiva, más parece un chiringuito de la playa. Por cierto, que significa exactamente "singboard" ?

  3. You are even meeting famous people! Is Gabriel living there or was he there for anything in particular? yummy chili crab must be delicious
