Sunday, November 4, 2012

Run, Marta, run!

Usually I go running when at night, because the temperature is more acceptable (or at least, that is what I am telling myself). Today I went a little earlier, so I still had some light and could take pictures. It was raining so the temperature was ok... Gaingned a lot of "Suspicious-looking-person"-points, though,  by running around like crazy in the rain while fighting against my cell that would not take pictures but strangle me with the earphones instead.  

This is the bridge to chinese Garden. It is so majestic, every time i run over it I feel like some chinese veteran training for war or some kind of asian rocky. Usually I arrive at this point at the end of my running session so the picture of me in my head does not necessarily correspond to the actual me crawling over the surprisingly steep bridge wondering why on earth they had to make it curved.

The little posts with the dragon motif are one of the reasons i love the bridge! If you look on the previous picture they did not even stand out and if you go closer you see that there are so many little details!

I have no idea what the wall says but it definetly looks very traditional (now its probably the menu of some kind of food court around here...). Don't let the apparently blue sky in the left upper corner fool you, I don't know what the camera made up there. It was REALLY cloudy and (as the man with the umbrella proves) raining non-stop.

Another reason why I wanted to go so early was the fact that they close the chinese towers at 19:00. In fact the were almost closing them as I arrived. I got the chance to run up (which fitted well into my jogging-plan) take some very stereotypical pictures (see above) and run down. I thought the tower was very small and cute but no, apparently there were quite some floors...

Well, by the time I figured, I was half way through either way...
Now I had to run around the lake in order to get home and it was starting to get dark. The silhouets of the thin trees looked really cool.

By the time I had arrived at home it was completely dark (which sounds as if i had been walking backwards on all four and had taken me 3 hours time...)

I really enjoy running in this park. Even though it is quite hot, as long as you run you always have the breeze from the lake and in the dark it is very comfortable to run between the amazing trees (although ever since I met the  monkey I am a bit scared that one of them jumps out of the bushes and directly at my neck...). I would take something for defense but running around with a baseball-bat would be a "suspicious-looking-person" overkill...


  1. irenoh sieht keeein problem wegen dem baseball-bat... :P

  2. See? this is why I stopped jogging, my park isnt like this one...
