Monday, November 5, 2012

No soil? Challenge accepted!

This post renders a curious proof of the amazing effect these constant rainfalls have on the Singaporean vegetation. I live on the 14th floor and when I looked out of my window one day this is what I saw:

Looks as if the facade was old and falling apart, right? But then I had a closer look at the end of the cracks:

And there they were: roots coming out of the paint at the end. The cracks were the roots of this plant on top of the building:

It just grows along the wall. I don't know about you, but I was pretty amazed by this ninja-plant! 


  1. matoh ist immer von ninjapflanzen umgeben, wie die die nicht gegossen werden muss :P

  2. hahahaha My name is Marta and I was killed by a ninja plant
