Sunday, July 14, 2013

Allons enfants de la patriiiiiiiiieee

(Please imagine this whole post read with a thick french accent):
As everyone of you will know today is Bastille Day (aka la Fête Nationale or the national day in France). Those who know me may be aware that I might eventually make some joke about this country every once in a blue moon, so I felt like I had to make up for these very, very casual jokes by throwing a dinner in honor of the "Patrie-Day"! Oh-là-là!

We cooked some quiche and ate cheese with baguettes and of course the normally behaving people were drinking wine. You cannot get much more french than that, right? I have not told you about the amazing cherry tree that we have in our front garden, but that is where we got our dessert from and I take this opportunity to show you what can happen if you are not careful enough:

Fun fact du jour: Even though in English speaking countries they call this day Bastille Day it was originally chosen to commemorate (... wait let me double check Wikipedia again...) the 1790 Fête de la Fédération that just happened to be on the same date than the assault on the Bastille (a year earlier though...). Aha. Apparently there is only one day a year that French people feel the urge to rebel or undertake historically important actions.Let's see what the  news-paper says tomorrow (if Paris has been set on fire overnight I am going to feel guilty...). Until then, good night!


  1. EXCUSE ME? THATS WHAT YOU CELEBRATE ON 14TH OF JULY?????????????????????????????

  2. ooooh, es wachsen Kirschen aus Matohs Haaren :D so viel Glück! les francaises ne se mereicent ca, mais les chistes oui, ca cest fair! hihi, hat matoh weinsaft getrunken wie ein Erwachsenenr??
