Friday, July 26, 2013

Seventh College: Emmanuel College

Yay, another college! 
After my tour last weekend I have to keep them coming one after another in order to win my challenge. This time I'll show you:

 Emmanuel college!
 Emmanuel College is actually one of my favorites so far (the fact that they had a free bouncy-castle in their gardens once might have influenced this opinion to some extend). Another reason is that it is not too famous (like King's is) and yet not only really beautiful but also one of the best colleges. The fact that it always scores best in the Tompkins Table (apparently this is a thing they do here where they compare the average of all the students' grades and see which college has the smartest kids (I am not making this up... has some people calling it the Ravenclaw college (this one of the many funny Harry Potter analogies here).

In the upper picture you can see a very British phenomenon. I have put no filter or anything, that is the actual color of the grass. This is what happens when it does not rain EVERY SINGLE DAY for a couple of days. Having more precipitation than... (nothing to compare here since the UK is pretty much as bad as it gets in terms of rain...) ... everyone, these people probably don't even know what a sprinkler looks like. So whenever it gets hot for a week everything dries out. But don't you worry, these people take it very chilled, I have heard people saying we just need to wait for the next rain and everything will be fine again. Seems fairly easy to me.

The dining hall is really cute in this college. While usually they tend to be rather dark and sinister (and yet very impressive) this one is happy and classy (except for the paintings, can they be any darker, please?).

The chapel is very cute as well:

Nothing incredibly spectacular (after seeing what feels like 1000 college chapels...) but instead they have this:

It is the most amazing tree I have ever seen in my life!! Really. And you cannot tell how awesome it is from the picture, but the branches go all the way to the floor and then up again and when you are inside it's like you are in a huge dome of leaves and happiness! Unfortunately you are not allowed to climb on them though :(

Another big plus of Emmanuel College is its fancy swimming pool. From what I heard it is actually pretty cold but I still want to jump in some day (the problem is you need an Emmanuel Student to go there and, damn, those people are busy!)

They have a small lake with ducks and cute houses everywhere so a very nice atmosphere. 
10 points for Ravenclaw!

1 comment:

  1. uhh, irenoh weiss das mit "but instead they have this:" sexy matoh und nicht der Baum gemeint ist ;) y el pool ese es para bañarse o es para mirarlo como el cesped?
