Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sixth College: Jesus College

I know you guys probably think that I will never complete my challenge of visiting and blogging about all the 31 Colleges in Cambridge, and considering that this is the sixth one I am writing about your thoughts might have been justified to some extend. But not anymore, my friends! This weekend I went on College-tour with a very good friend of mine and we covered 13 of them! It may not sound as impressive as it actually was but you have to consider that a visit consists of the following steps:

1. Find the College (might sound trivial, but believe me, it is really not). Some of the colleges do not have actual signs in front of it (or not the ones you might be expecting) and some were just big doors you passed by everyday without noticing they were College entrances so you don't even acknowledge them. More than once, I kid you not, we went AROUND the building that we assumed was the college twice without finding the entrance (it really was the College, so I don't understand what we were doing wrong...)

2. Convince the porters, that we are allowed to go in, even though we are not College members (University card helps, but smiles sometimes did so even more...)

3. Cross the portal to Narnia and run around endless fields and buildings that cannot possibly fit into the area that is surrounded by the walls.

4.Make sure you covered everything, visited the College Chapel, avoided the Fellow-areas, only stepped on the allowed grass and got a sneak peak of the Dining hall.

5. Find the way out and cycle to the next College (or at least in its direction...)

Anyway, and without further ado, I give you:

Jesus College

Even though it is fairly close, I had never been to Jesus College and now it is one of my favorites. Why you ask? Because this is the first thing we ran into:

At first we were a little shocked, but then we figured that these were not real people. And this is when things started to get weird! We later found out that they were hosting some kind of modern exposition, but I have to say, that I really love this College with all this incredible randomness and if I were them I would keep the sculptures forever.

Jesus College is huge! And as we continued walking I lost my orientation which added up to the confusion of the sculptures before.

Some parts of the College are very modern and it does not look like you are in the college anymore. As we continued walking we ran into this:

Of course there is a huge, yellow (yellow!) firetruck in the middle of the College (we still did not know about any exposition, so imagine my state of mind at this point)! Next to all this randomness we still had a lot of beautiful Cambridge-typical scenery:

Then, we apparently passed some time tunnel, because the building we walked into was like a really old castle and not at all like the rest of the College:

Naturally this old path led to a patio with golden umbrellas lying around...

... and we then ended in a small garden that had pieces of huge clocks and other sculptures such as:

lying around.

To wrap it up this sign was standing in a corner under some bushes.

As we went out we took a last look at the rocks on the grass that had something fishy about them...

Whoever came up with ALL OF THIS is my Person of the Day (a highly prestigious award). Really good job, Jesus College, I did not see any of this coming!

PS: longest post ever, is anyone still reading at this point?...


  1. jajaja, irenoh meint que por fin ein college normal! da macht alle sinn :) gibt es nicht so etwas wie ein college-bingo, que vas tachando los que has visto, y si los ves todos te regalan una chapel? (que total por chapels que no falte) oh mann, voll random alles xD du musst es flipiert haben
