Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ireland's Signs at Their Best

Well, who would have thought! Only a couple of days and enough footage to fill a whole post of my favorite section. Of course these signs cannot keep up with the ones from Singapore, but I am pretty amazed that I found so many curiosities in such short time. I take my hat to you, Ireland!

"Ohhhhh!!! Kilometers an hour, not hugs per weekday!!!" is what I thought at first when I saw the obvious extra information provided on the sign. Later I learned, that Ireland just recently (2005) changed the speed indications from miles to kilometers. Considering this, it makes more sense to specify the units (I cannot imagine what a confusion they must have had the day they changed it (assuming they managed to change ALL the signs in one day...)).

Seriously?! Why, why, WHY are people around me putting salmon in the weirdest contexts lately. Seriously? Salmon of knowledge? Well, at least we know where this salmon gets the technology for his hygiene from... (The tale is actually quite nice. I will definitely look out for this kind of salmons in the Cam - they'd save me quite some study-time for my future exams...)

Ok, here is one thing I don't understand, but that seems to be pretty common in Gallic. HOW CAN A WORD HAVE A CAPITAL LETTER IN THE MIDDLE. Looks like the person in charge of orthography here is some 15 yE@r oLd tEenieZz...

Ok, this signs is actually quite depressing, considering its context. At the beginning I just though that those Samaritans just have the weirdest places to put up their advertisement, especially regarding that there were no other signs at the CLIFFS of moher, after a couple of seconds I was like "This cannot be...". (On "happier" news, pretty much all the people that fall down do so by accident (I'll come to that later, but seriously, some people are just asking for it, standing 2cm away from the edge, taking pictures with their iPads, regardless of all the warning signs), so the advert seems to work...)

HAHAHA! This is the face of an angel that promotes some exposition at the Trinity College in Dublin! He looks so delighted, I just can't wait to get in! (hahaha, seriously, that expression, I wonder what the rest of the picture shows...)

And I finish with a picture that will remind you of how deep and philosophical I am. This is a quote from Oscar Wilde that is written next to his sculpture (there are actually many quotes there, but this is one of my favorites). In case you can't read: "A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing". Think about it...


  1. The index finger of the angel's right hand is long enough to look scary.

  2. "some people are just asking for it, standing 2cm away from the edge, ..." NOT like us of course........

  3. Irenoh findet 30 hugs/weekday ein bisschen restrictive, also gut das es doch km/h waren :D err mOr€niToOh e$hkRiveEh l0h kaRt€lEh ehN dUbBl!n. (ahora sabemos de donde son originarios los pokis...) matoh lernt so viel über lachs. Vielleicht studiert er ja lachsologie und hat es nicht gemerkt.
