Monday, October 29, 2012

Dinner's ready!

Here's a good marketing idea: get a fish selling company and sell the fish. So far nothing extraordinary. But before you want to throw away the undesired body parts - think again! Maybe over here they will be someone interested in buying.. I don't know.. THE HEAD???!

I mean, not only is the head the weirdest part of the fish to buy separatedly, but also the least aesthetic by far. Not that fish are physically outstanding animals anyways, but THAT EXPRESSION. I mean can you look into those glassy, staring eyes and think "Mhhh, that's what I'm having for dinner. Can't wait!". Well apparently some people can, otherwise I would not have gotten the chance of taking this picture. Parents who have annoying little kinds that don't want to eat their food should print this out and display it on the fridge as a threat. The will eat anything.


  1. ist der Preis da das Geld das du kriegst wenn du denen ihre Fischreste abnimmst? :P was für ein morrazi die Leute haben!
