Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Introducing: Dragon Fruit

Since the prices for occidental fruits (as well as for milk, cheese and especially CEREALS) are incredibly high I have decided to change to tropical fruits (also, since I am here I migh try them out, while I can). More often than not I am picking some products from which I assume that they must be fruits due to their placement within the supermarket and throwing them into the cart. The prettiest and most outstanding fruit so far has been the dragon fruit. The name alone is pretty awesome, but have a look at it:

I am afraid the color is not very bright on the picture since it was already getting dark, but you get the idea. Inside it looks like this:

 It reminds me of a pale kiwi that is pretty messed up. If you are lucky enough the flesh is not white but also magenta. And that magenta is the most amazing color I have probably seen in my life. If I ever get a purple one I'll show you (although the colors are not exactly the same on the pictures...) The inside of the skin migh give you an impression of what it looks like, though:

And it's not just the looks, the dragon fruit is apparently low in calories and contains lots of Vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, fiber and antioxidants. Plus it is really refreshing and has a very good size. Well done, mother nature ♥


  1. Yummi, the lady dragon fruit now featuring in pink :) Looks great :)

    And these captchas drive me mad :)

  2. Ok ok ok, although im not a fruit-friend I think I could give the Dragon fruit a chance, its soooooooo BEAUTIFUL, send me one! is it sweet like pineapple?
