Sunday, October 28, 2012

Singapore Signs at their best 2

I warned you: tall buildings and good weather are not the only things Singapore has to offer. As I walk around the city I try to capture the best signs I can find while pretending I am not taking a picture of them at all (I mean, WHO would take a picture of an informative poster, right?). Here are some of my new favorites:

Every 5 minutes you can hear this announcement in the MRT "If you see any suspicious looking article or person (yes, person, I should watch out with my habit of taking pictures of weird things, or I'll see where I'll end up...) please inform our staff..." alternating between english, chinese, tamil and malay (I am guessing they are saying the same things in these languages, might as well be an ice-cream advertisement...). The matching poster for this message is in my opinion much more amusing than the recorded announcement. The most outstanding thing is probably the reenactment. It is a good thing the woman is pointing at the bag that is half a meter away from the security man, otherwise he might not have noticed it between all those ather things that are lying around on the platform. I love the expression of this man althoug I am not quite sure what he wants to tell us or if he is awake. In case he should be, he is probably thinking something like "Ok, here we go again... let's warn my colleges via walkie-talkie, then...". The outstanding naturalness, the breath-taking action and, of course, the catchy slogan have convinced me completely and without a doubt!

Ok, this time the Swedish are to blame, rather than the Singaporeans. I mean, Ikea is not especially famous for clarifying the identity of their products with well-chosen, explicative names (There is a reason for their neat division into household categories - that way at leas you will keep the product in the right room even though you don't have a clue what it is good for...). Finally they chose a name that did not contain any å or ö or any consonant several times in a row. And what is the word they go for to explain their new product? Exactly, produkt. I case you were wondering Produkt is a new product produced by Ikea. Who could possibly need mor explanations, right?

The last two are comics, again. They have so many around here! It is as if you were in a kindergarten because they explain very simple (and usually supposedly self-explicatory) everyday subjects. In my opinion it is a very good and expecially expressive way for the government to access all the different people with so diverse cultural backgrounds and spread the message. This comic can be found at my MRT (yeah, my and mine only) station "Lakeside". I see it every morning and it is the reason why I can never go to work in a bad mood! Haha! The lips of the man that get stuck together and the indian man telling the horrified woman. Also the creepy chinese person at the bottom, whose message I could never read and who I really don't know what he is smiling about (considering the dramatic situation).

This poster ist usually found at the dirtiest and oldest places (like the toilet from the "Door closing mechanism of the year"). It is a good move, because with this sign it does not matter how aweful the toilet looks like or wheter a giant rat is on the toilet, because all you care is about this poster and how you can't believe is an official sign. In case you cannot recognize it, the woman in the second picture is the mother of the guy (an arrow tells you so) and we are all very happy that she reminds him to flush the toilet. 
I hope you enjoy these as much as I do and those of you who keep being loyal to this blog will certainly see more of them! Good night!


  1. The picture of the guy with the lips is PRICELESS, so remember dont run for the subway... (aunque sea el tren de Parla)

    1. Hablando del tren de Parla... Was ist mit Pablo? Du bist wohl nicht nach Deutschland ohne dich darum zu kümmern??!

  2. Por que me parece que acabo de leer un comic de Mortadelo y Filemon?

    What they say in Tamil and Malay is "Love Irene, shes the best, dont forget her", now its in your brain forever
