Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Meet mangosteen and passion fruit

The other day I found a bag on my desk at work. A look inside did not supply any further information for all I found inside were some spheres that I assumed were fruits, but that I had never seen before. It turned out my boss had bought some local fruits for me to try (we had been talking about them previously). Yay! 

The first fruit is mangosteen. It looks like taken out of some kind of videogame to me, it is very funny and it keeps getting weirder as you eat it...

You take off the leaves, that are hard and break off.

Then you have to press it in order to break the paring. As you can see there is a softer red layer underneath the hard outer layer.

So far, so good. You think. Until you see that the inner part looks like garlic!

It is amazing! How much weirder can a fruit get?? The pieces have a much softer texture than garlic, though. Of course this fruit has a pit per piece which is kind of unexpected, because it is not well defined. Its surroundings just get more and more fibrous...

Here's the pit:

xD Such a delightful picture...
Anyways, the second fruit turned out to be a passion fruit. I had heard of this one before (it is used in quite a number of juices in the western culture), but I had never actively eaten one. From the outside they do not look so impressive:

On the inside, however, they are quite interesting (such a deep fruit). I guess that is what the children of grape seeds and corn probably look like. They taste really good although they can be a bit bitter, too.

Apparently each seed is attached to the wall individually...

Both fruits are not only really curious but also very delicious (something that cannot necessarily be said about all fruits here (suspicious look at guava)). Good night!


  1. Das sieht echt aus wie Knoblauch! :P Wir haben in Ares versucht fruta de la pasion zu pflanzen aber sie ist nicht gewachsen =(

  2. You didnt try Passion fruits before? shame on you...
    Does the Mangosteen give you the fresh breathe like garlic?
