Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Super serious conference stuff

I know I lost most of my credibility about being on a serious scientific conference on Sentosa with my last post. But believe me, the little that is left will vanish after this post. We grabbed the opportunity and walked around the island and ended up at the beach (unfortunately we were wearing formal clothes so not much to do there... :( )There is a special mini-train station for the beach and after alighting there all you have to do is walk down these stairs...

... and you are here:

Not too bad right? Apparently the sand on the beach has been imported (there is no white sand on sentosa), so it really looks like a paradise island. There is not much I need to say with those pictures (they would steal my thunder anyways...)

There were some huts in the back but I did not manage to find out if one can visit them. Seems like I have to go again to get that straight. Damn!

Of course laying around at the beach does not give you the opportunity to spend money so in order to offer you this service there are several, very beautifuls bars, alog the beaches.

If all conferences were on places like this...


  1. Die blauen sombrillas sehen aus wie Blumen :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sooooooooooooooooooo here is it, the reason why you went to Singapour....
